Friday, November 14, 2008

It's Always Something With those Crenshaws...

So last Friday 11/7 my sister Laura gave birth to her 3rd daughter at 3:15am on the kitchen floor! I know, craziness! I mean it's one of those things that happens in tv shows, movies and books - but not actually to your sister. I was trying to wait until Laura blogged and then just put a link to her blog, cause she tells the story so fabulously. But I should have realized that being a new mom with 2 toddlers would make it nearly impossible to post in a timely manner. So I will add the link whenever she posts. But in the mean time here's the gist: Laura had the baby on the kitchen floor waiting for the babysitter to get there. She called her at 2:30am and asked her to come over cause she was in labor, but the sitter lives 20 minutes away and Laura's labor has been cutting in 1/2 with each baby. 3 hours with Sophia, 2 hours with Holly and surprise, surprise 1 hour with Lucy! So I'm assuming that since it was 2:30am the sitter had to wake herself up before driving 20 minutes, so she took a shower or something, cause she showed up about 10 minutes after Lucy was born. Anyway of course since Travis is a nurse, he went into emergency medical mode and delivered the baby - he even had medical clamps for the umbilical cord. (Apparently you can use chip clips or shoe laces if you ever have an emergency home birth - good to know, right?!) He didn't even call 911 until after she was born! That part really cracks me up - Mark would have been on the phone with 911 the second I said "set me up on the kitchen floor cause the baby is coming right now" - which is what Laura said to Travis about 5 minutes before she was born. Anyway the ambulance came and whisked them off to the hospital and all were healthy and happy, though I'm sure Laura would have been happier if she's been at the hospital all along. So Lucy Ellen Chabo was born at 3:15am 11/7 she was 7lbs 14oz and 20 inches long. But what I'm really wondering about is what's going to happen with the next labor - 30minutes?!! She's just going to have to plan to be induced. Most of the Crenshaw kids will be going to Ohio for Thanksgiving - so I'm really looking forward to that. Can't wait to see all my nieces and my nephew and give them a squeeze! Plus I'll have some good photos to share...

OK, for those who don't know my parents moved to Brisbane, Australia in September with my dad's job and will probably be there for the next 3 years. In moving my mom decided she wanted to get a Vespa or similar type scooter to tool around town in and has been taking motorcycle lessons so she can get a full speed one, instead of the little 35 mph max ones. Anyway she had another lesson the morning of 11/14 (really the night of 11/13 for us - 15 hours time difference) which also happens to be her 60th birthday. (Isn't my mom cool?! Motorcycle lessons on her 60th birthday!) Well she got in an accident. My dad says that she is doing relatively OK, but has been in a lot of pain. She has a long cut across her upper right leg going out from near the pelvic area. The X-rays show a fracture in the cup of one hip bone and a fracture in one pelvic bone. They had an Orthopedist check her and plan to take her to OR for surgery to clean out the wound and decide what to do about the fractures. He gave her a blessing before going to the OR, but she will probably be in the hospital for a couple of nights (Royal Brisbane & Womans Hospital). Man, what a birthday she's having!

So that's the latest new with my family - craziness! I'll keep everyone posted on my mom's progress, but I know she would appreciate your prayers.


melissa said...

Yikes! Congrats to Laura on being Wonder Woman!

I love the idea of your 60 year old mom driving a motorcycle around Australia (but not the part about her crashing). Hope her surgery goes well. She's in our prayers.

Stay safe!

Lisa said...

The moment I got your text about Laura and the baby I thought 'well now she has something to blog about!' Glad that you wrote it up cause someone needs to document that craziness! And the bit about your Mom made me tear up a bit! Sorry about the news...especially when you're here and she's there! I know that from when my Mom was in AZ with breast cancer and I was here. Or when she had surgery in OK right before my wedding! Yeah I'll be saying some prayers for Betty and you!

Elisa Barnes said...

Wow, you Crenshaw's don't do anything halfway!! I'm just thinking what a great story Lucy is going to have growing up- born on the kitchen floor with Dad playing catcher!! HILARIOUS. I'm glad everything turned out ok. And your mom's story sounds like something out of Bridget Jones: the Later Years. You should totally write that book.

Unknown said...

Greg totally wants to have our next child on the kitchen floor, but with 911 on the phone of course. :)

What a blog post!! Hope your Mamma is ok! (she is way cool) I hear she is in surgery as we speak? We'll pray for her also!