Friday, December 5, 2008


This morning I woke up with a funny little memory in my head. Rewind to an early spring Sunday morning back when I was in high school. This particular Sunday as we headed off to Church, it ended up being the 3 girls with my mom in one car and the 3 boys with my dad in the other. As my mom backed the car out of the driveway she suddenly exclaimed, "Oh! My jonquils are popping!" To which my sisters and I all said "Gross! We don't want to hear about your woman problems!" Clearly none of us knew what jonquils were, but we were sure that it was not something we wanted to hear about. My mom was not impressed with our minds - but we all laughed pretty hard on the way to church that day... Aww the memories...

Jonquils (aka flowers, not woman problems)


Unknown said...

If any of you were born in March, you would know what those were! Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I remember that so differently! How I remember it is that we lived in the Ferncroft house, mom said it about the flowers around the mailbox as she looked out the glass windows on the either side of the door and we all laughed because we didn't know what she was talking about and then a year or so later we told mom we thought it was something dirty and she was cracking up! Hmmmm, we'll have to ask Mom and Laura how they remember it.